Declutter your mind by turning thoughts into tasks

Just speak, EchoPal will create tasks with context aware actions integrated with daily life tools, increasing your productivity, all 10x faster.


The Ultimate Voice Assistant


Speak Your Mind

Just speak about your tasks and everything else is handled for you.


One Button To Rule Them All

Structure your entire day, week or even month without ever opening your keyboard.


Zero Learning Curve

As easy as talking to a very understanding person about your day and what you are going to do.


Automated Reminders & Priorities

Think of a personal secretary but inside your phone.


Context Aware Actions

Need to send an email or slack message as a task? We got you covered! With more exciting automations coming soon.


Bypassing Language Barriers

Speak about your task in any of 99 languages and watch as they are understood by the app effortlessly.

Cluttered thoughts to structured tasks

Just speak about your tasks and everything else is handled for you. Yes, you read that right!


Disorder to Order

The user only has to talk about their tasks. You might as well throw away your phone after that.


Multiple tasks from single voice command

As many as 50 tasks can be created using a single voice command. Try doing that manually. Tedious right?


Top of the line voice processing

The app works in the noisiest environments and caters for diversity. Speak it to believe it!

Feature 4

It only takes one button

The most convenient interface. Ever.


Tap the mic button on the app and speak about your tasks. For example, "Clean living space, Respond to Steves email, Message Dave on slack regarding the recent update, Plan meals for the next few days, Exercise or stretch at 9pm, Pay bills or review finances, Grocery shopping by 7pm". EchoPal will create 7 distinct tasks for the above example in seconds without you having to type a single word.


There is so much more to a task than just the sentence. It has a deadline, a priority, its deadline and so on. Guess what? Ever single one of these things is automatically extracted from each task.


You will be reminded autonomously for each task for the time you specify for it. It may be a week from now or even a month. EchoPal has your covered.


Tasks will be prioritized according to the importance you give them by simply mentioning their importance while talking about them. If you dont mention the priorities explicitly, they will be automatically inferred based on the tasks meaning


Ever wanted to get all of your mundane professional work done in a jiffy? You can now do all of that without ever opening the keyboard and in fraction of the time!


When you finally complete the task you scheduled using echopal, simply tick the checkbox and feel the wave of relief over your body, knowing that your day is on the right track!

Feature 4